Hydro Tunneling is a process of using a high pressure water jet in conjunction with a vacuum truck to loosen and remove the soil from around the broken pipes under the slab for replacement. The resulting tunnel allows our plumbers to gain quick access and perform the repairs in a safe and efficient manner. The new drain pipes are then secured to the slab structure with code approved stainless steel hangers. The benefit to the homeowner is less mess with quicker recovery.

Hydro Tunneling Repair Services

Sewer & Drain Cleaning

Sewer lines back up due to blockages. Blockages can include root intrusion, debris or grease build-up in the line, or a cracked pipe. Our professional technicians can handle all of your sewer and drain cleaning needs.

Holidays are an especially stressful time for household drains – learn why?

Video Pipe Inspections

We also offer video pipe inspections to detect problems with drain lines. Our video pipe inspection reveals the cause of sewer and drain issues and gives the plumber the exact location of the issue so that we can provide an accurate estimate to our customers. Ask about our Free Video Inspection with any Tunnel Job! Video pipe inspections are recommended by our plumbers when necessary to identify the following issues:

  • Cracked drain lines
  • Bellied or Sagged drain lines
  • Blockages caused by debris in the line
  • Root intrusion
  • Deteriorated pipe such as terracotta pipe on the outside sewer line

Hydro Tunneling and Under Slab Repairs

Hydro Tunneling is a process of using a high pressure water jet in conjunction with a vacuum truck to loosen and remove the soil from around the broken pipes under the slab for replacement. The resulting tunnel allows our plumbers to gain quick access and perform the repairs in a safe and efficient manner. The new drain pipes are then secured to the slab structure with code approved stainless steel hangers. The benefit to the homeowner is less mess with quicker recovery.

Sand Pumping

Earl’s has an in house back fill and sand pumping division that utilizes a clean and efficient dry back fill process to “blow” sand under slabs – This process is used to backfill our tunnels. We also offer extra sand for under the slab and around the perimeter of the house. Just ask for an estimate.

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